Monday, May 14, 2012

The Prudent and the Simple (Proverbs 22:3)

Proverbs 22:3

Who are the "simple"?
What does "simple" mean here?

In this scripture, the prudent foresee danger or lack and make provision; the "simple" carry on blindly. 

The prudent are proactive and thinking. They read the signs; when trouble (or temptation) is coming, they avoid it. When drought looms, they store up provision ahead of time. 

To be simple, in this sense, is to seek pleasure, to live by desire, without thinking of consequences. Babies and animals are simple in that they lack reasoning. 

Prudent (which means to "think about the future, to look ahead") individuals see the signs and think ahead. When a prudent man sees a checkout aisle, he avoids looking at the magazines on the ends. A prudent man thinks ahead to his family falling apart from sin and avoids any glance at another woman. 

Thank You, God, for wisdom from Your Word!!

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